How would you design a habitat for a Painted Lady Butterfly?
How would you write a song about the life cycle of the butterfly?
Can you compare and contrast the metamorphosis of the Monarch Butterfly and the Painted Lady Butterfly?
These are just a few of the higher level questions that students choose to investigate during this unit on the life cycle of the Painted Lady Butterfly.
Painted Lady Butterfly caterpillars are ordered, and come complete with the food necessary for their nutrition as they go through the process of metamorphosis right before our eyes.
Using the HD Timelapse app, we made a time lapse of the changes they went through.
Time Lapse of the Painted Lady Butterfly
Time Lapse of the Monarch Butterfly
After viewing the changes of the Painted Lady Butterfly, compare their life cycle with the Monarch butterfly.
Common Core Anchor Standards Include:
How would you design a habitat for a Painted Lady Butterfly?
How would you write a song about the life cycle of the butterfly?
Can you compare and contrast the metamorphosis of the Monarch Butterfly and the Painted Lady Butterfly?
These are just a few of the higher level questions that students choose to investigate during this unit on the life cycle of the Painted Lady Butterfly.
Painted Lady Butterfly caterpillars are ordered, and come complete with the food necessary for their nutrition as they go through the process of metamorphosis right before our eyes.
Using the HD Timelapse app, we made a time lapse of the changes they went through.
Time Lapse of the Painted Lady Butterfly
Time Lapse of the Monarch Butterfly
After viewing the changes of the Painted Lady Butterfly, compare their life cycle with the Monarch butterfly.
Common Core Anchor Standards Include:
CCR Anchor Standard 5 for Writing:
Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
CCR Anchor Standard 5 for Speaking and Listening:
Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
Butterfly Kits
Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
Butterfly Kits

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